Our fellowship strives to be a welcoming community open to all who embrace our seven Unitarian Universalists Principles and our vision, mission, and covenant. We welcome all regardless of gender identity, orientation, race, ethnicity, or differing ability. Our community includes liberal Christians, New Age adherents, Humanists, Buddhists, agnostics, and atheists.  Our congregation Bylaws also state that members are required to contribute service or money to help sustain our functions.

We differ from other faith communities in that we do not require a statement of faith, we have no doctrine or dogma, and we don’t adhere to any single sacred book. We do recognize six sources. What makes us a faith community rather than just a social club is our covenant. A covenant is a sacred promise of how members of a group intend to treat one another. The following link lists the seven principles and six sources:


And here are our congregation’s Vision, Mission and Covenant:


Our goals are to live in harmony with the earth, foster peace, and promote social justice.


We embrace Unitarian Universalism as a dynamic, living religion that welcomes change as knowledge advances. We cherish the wisdom to be gleaned from our collective human history, as well as personal experience. We seek congruence between our beliefs and actions. We gather in the spiritual community to commit our collective energy and resources in support of these principles.


We gather in fellowship embracing the inherent worth of every person and encouraging each individual’s quest for meaning. We come together to develop our individual spiritual values and to honor our differences while we grow our vital community of spirituality and action. Together we strive for a healthy planet with greater love and justice.


On a practical level membership allows you to vote on matters of importance to the congregation, to hold an office, and to receive a subscription to the UU World magazine. Beyond this and maybe more importantly, becoming a member is a commitment to grow your own spiritual life and contribute to the spiritual life of others.

If you would like to discuss membership you can reach our Membership Chair, Victor Ashear at vashear291@gmail.com.