May 8, 2023 – Ultimate Acceptance

Greetings UU Members and friends,

On Sunday, May 8, our theme of Acceptance, coordinated by Holly Hogarty, will continue with an original presentation by Susie Clinch, entitled Ultimate Acceptance.

We will meet in person in Fellowship Hall. Masks are optional, although we continue to ask that you are vaccinated and boosted.

Coffee and light refreshments will be served. We will continue Zoom access for those at home or out of town. If you Zoom, please invite your children to listen to the story for all ages with you.

Here are important events coming up later this month:

Kids’ Religious Education will meet on Sunday, May 15. We will have RE once a month through the summer.

Our Annual Meeting will be held at 10:00 on Sunday, May 22.

Here is the Zoom link for this week:
Meeting ID: 808 078 5380

At the bottom of this document you will find the words for today’s hymns.

Order of Service – May 8, 2022

Call to Worship: Hymn #361, Enter, Rejoice, and Come In (sing second time through):
Enter, rejoice and come in.
Enter, rejoice and come in. Today will be a joyful day; enter, rejoice and come in.

* Welcome & Announcement
* Opening Reading
* Morning Music: Oh Danny Boy, Bruce Andrews and Nancy Phillips
* Chalice Lighting
* Joys and Concerns
* Hymn #118 (gray hymnal): This Little Light of Mine
* Story for all Ages:
* Reading for Reflective Silence
* Moment of Reflective Silence
* Hymn #123, Spirit of Life (remain seated, sing second time through)
Spirit of Life, come unto me.
Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion. Blow in the wind, rise in the sea; move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice. Roots hold me close; wings set me free; Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me.

* Message: Susie Clinch, Ultimate Acceptance
* Hymn #1064 (aqua hymnal): Blue Boat Home
* Offering: Nancy Phillips
* Blessing the Offering: Let this be an offering to sustain and strengthen this place, which is so sacred to many of us, community of memory and hope, for we are the keepers of the Dream.
* Closing Words
* Discussion
* Extinguish Chalice

Please join us for light refreshments after the service.

Announcements & Coming Events

Meditation Group: Every Sunday from 7 to 8 pm in Fellowship Hall. Beginners and practiced meditators are welcome.

For tonight let’s read Chapter 2 up to “Fourth Body” in The Art of Living, by Thich Nhat Hanh. Just a reminder that you do not have to do the reading to participate in the meditation.

Sunday 5/15/22, 10 am: Charlotte Clarke will present an original talk on the theme of Acceptance.
Sunday 5/15/22, 7 pm: Meditation group meets in Fellowship Hall.
Sunday 5/22/22, 10 am: Annual Meeting. We need a quorum in order to conduct the business of the Fellowship, so please plan to attend. At the meeting we will vote on the final version of our Covenant, elect officers, hear about the outdoor project, and welcome new members.

UUA Pacific West Region Newsletter: Sign up to receive your email copy at:

Hymn #118: This Little Light of Mine

This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Ev’rywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine…

Building up a world, I’m gonna let it shine…

Hymn #1064: Blue Boat Home

Though below me, I feel no motion standing on these mountains and plains.
Far away from the rolling ocean still my dry land heart can say:
I’ve been sailing all my life now, never harbor or port have I known.
The wide universe is the ocean I travel and the earth is my blue boat home.

Sun my sail and moon my rudder as I ply the starry sea,
leaning over the edge in wonder, casting questions into the deep.
Drifting here with my ship’s companions, all we kindred pilgrim souls,
making our way by the lights of the heavens in our beautiful blue boat home.

give thanks to the waves up holding me, hail the great winds urging me on,
greet the infinite sea before me, sing the sky my sailor’s song:
was born up on the fathoms, never harbor or port have I known.
The wide universe is the ocean I travel, and the earth is my blue boat home.