Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Sheridan

Annual Meeting

May 21, 2023


Call to Order at 10:41 a.m. by President Cal Furnish.

Old Business—Cal Furnish

Cal summarized minutes from the 2022 Annual Meeting.  He particularly acknowledged Katie E.’s and Georgia F.’s handling the Cares and Concerns Committee.  Victor moved to accept the Minutes as submitted. Bill seconded.  Motion passed unanimously.

Establish Quorum

It was mentioned that perhaps we should have established a quorum before we began!  The membership count is now 60.  Present in-person were Cal Furnish, Michelle LaGory, Janet and Victor Ashear, Shannon Anderson, Mary Rathbun, Susan Roberts, Bruce and Pat Tomsovic,  Bruce and JoLynn Andrews, Amy Andrews, Catherine Johnson, Bill Bradshaw, Georgia Foster, Barbara Walter, Ramon Stine, Tim Belton, Irene L. Hause, Don Boone, Bernie Barlow, Kay Wallick, Jeff Price, Peggy Redle, Roger Sanders, Katie Egging, Holly Hogarty, Nancy Cranford, Phil Gilmore.  Via zoom:  Janelle Gray, Ian Cannon-Wallace.  A quorum was established with around 52% of the members present (29 in person, 2 on zoom, no proxies were given).   Fellowship bylaws require 30% of members in attendance to establish a quorum.

Welcome and President’s Remarks—Cal Furnish expressed his gratitude to be here with everyone, and cited our many challenges and accomplishments of the year.  He then briefly reviewed the agenda.  He introduced Sue Roberts, whom he stated has done a fantastic job as Treasurer.  Then it was on to….

New Business

Treasurer’s Report—Sue Roberts

Sue reviewed the Income Statement (attached).  Revenue was budgeted at $25, 750, but actual was $34,119.24, which includes the fundraisers we had for the patio and the sound panels in the hall.

In the Expense Category, the budgeted and actual amounts are off mainly because of the need to replace 40 feet of gutter.  Otherwise, most things are steady; electric and gas go up, of course.

Ramona pointed out there’s still 1 month left of the fiscal year.

Michelle asked what is Member Support?  Sue explained it is to help members’ in need.

Barbara asked if our insurance will go up? 

In answer, Sue directed us to page 2 of the Treasurer’s Report.  She explained that our assets include our checking account balance (which show a lower ending Balance than beginning, since we’ve spent a little more than we’ve taken in); our CD, including a new CD with a better rate she just got; Equipment and Supplies, including a laptop for Zoom; and the Fellowship Hall and Real Estate Lot.  These are based on the assessment Marie Lowe did, because the land value previously hadn’t changed in 10 years.  And the Building value went down because it was based on the mortgage and land value at the time, and was incorrect.  Sue suspects the insurance will increase $1,000 because the property has appreciated.  She will go locally for rates.

Phil asked if the numbers are based the realtor’s estimate.  Yes.  Mary asked if we need more insurance if the value is in the land?  Sue said we must carry 90% of replacement value.  Since replacement value has gone up $32,000, yes.  Bruce pointed out we have $62,000 to pay on mortgage.  Victor said we got 60K from sale of 5th street lot, and have raised 40K!  Yeah, us.

Sue said In Kind assets are donations people gave us.

Barbara asked if we can answer the insurance question by July.  Sue said yes.

Shannon asked if we have or can create an In Kind Donation form?  Sue:  the IRS needs proof, such as receipts, and there is no way to account for services.  Tim asked if it is important to account for services.  Sue said no, and Ramona pointed out the IRS doesn’t let you deduct that.  Shannon said it might be important in applying for grants.  Bruce said Tim donated drawing and expertise, e.g.  Sue can check.  Victor said we got Chalice Lighters grant of $6,000 back in the day.  Now there’s a UUA grant called Faithify that can be used for construction.

Ramona expressed deep concern that we do not have a budget for next year.  Sue said she’s having trouble with the program, and no one submitted budgets.  Will be similar, except will include building construction.  Most things are reasonably consistent and she apologized.

Motion to accept current Treasurer’s Report by Katie Eggings.  Shannon Anderson seconded.  Motion passed.  Ramona brought up the issue of the budget.  Cal said asked if maybe we can approve pending budget adjustments?

Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report, pending budget adjustment, made by JoLyn Andrews, Bruce Andrews, Second.  Motion passed.

Vice President of Membership Report—Victor Ashear

Victor said we might have had 53 to begin the year, lost one, acquired 8 and so now are above 60.  This is exciting as we started with 30 members, so we’ve doubled.  In the by-laws, to be a member, they are saying they are willing to make a contribution to this community.  The VP role is dual:  he fills in for the President and heads Membership.  He’s a delegate to the UUA, which is in Pittsburgh this year.  They are working on Covid impact, look at Article 2, and selecting a President.  He thinks Sophia Betancourt is a very thoughtful candidate and with our permission, will vote for her.  Ramona said she’ll put a link on our website.

Worship and Music Committee ReportJanet Ashear

She will send around a sign-up sheet for people to register interest in helping with services.  She thanked the participants who help in running this show.  Of the 52 members (previous),21 did some part of a service; 18 of 21 wrote an original talk, and all were gracious and a pleasure to work with.  Attendance has been average, just below 30, with a range from 16 to 40.  We now have Zoom 4.5.  Zoom serves a purpose.  And the sound has improved in the room, thanks to Tim Belton and Bernie Barlow’s grandson.  She acknowledges Mary’s work on the memorial service, and Janelle’s setting up the caroling service on Christmas Eve.  She said it is our online subscriptions that make it possible to create services.  And she pointed out there is a finite pool of techies and musicians, so if anyone can step up, deeply needed.  Looking ahead, Michelle LaGory will take over the Worship Chair.

Long-Range Planning Committee—Barbara Walter

She said we’ve made a lot of positive changes, which came from working together.  She pointed out the beautiful bench that Phil, with Roger’s assistance made.  Mary said she’s never seen such a beautiful bench.  Barbara said that Tim and Phil are working on a gazebo/roof for the pad.

RE CommitteeIan Wallace, via Zoom

Ian said he’s been through 4 years of interesting times, but would like to hand off by end of summer.  RE shut down entirely for Covid; restarting was a surprise.  There are regularly 8 to 9 kids participating.  They talk about RE and our values.  They like to go outside.  They range in age from K to 6th grade.  He thinks it is a good idea to coordinate RE and the Potluck.  This summer it will be the last Sunday of the month.  Ramona asked if he is still on the slate of candidates to be voted in?  Ian said vote the slate in, and he’ll bow out later in the summer, so we could put acting, or interim.  Shannon thanked the kids for participating in the Hanukah service.  Then someone suggested Catherine Johnson as the new RE head.  Although no vote was taken, there was general enthusiasm on both the candidate and congregation’s part.

Secretary Report—Janelle Gray and Phil Gilmore

Phil said they have no report prepared.

Appointed Positions—Cal Furnish

Cal explained the difference between appointed positions, such as Webmaster, and Board positions. 

Webmaster—Bruce Tomsovic.

Cal thanked Ramona for keeping us afloat for many years, but Bruce T. has volunteered, and has already started.  The current FrontPage version of our webpage is antiquated . The  Word Press template purchased years ago from UUA was installed but Ramona never finished customizing for our fellowship. Greg Haas spent time working on it last year. Bruce said our main project now is to update  and switch over to the new Word Press website.

            Social Acton

No formal chair or members; if interested, let the Board know.

            Care and Concerns—Katie Egging, Mary Rathbun, Bernie Barlow, Georgia Foster.  No chair of this committee.

Board Elections for 2023-2024—Cal Furnish

The Slate of new Officers and Committee Chairs: 

President– Susan Roberts

Vice President—Victor Ashear

Treasurer—Ramona Stine

Secretary—Ayme Ahrens

Worship Chair—Michelle LaGory

Long-Range Planning Chair—Barbara Walter

RE Chair—Ian Wallace Catherine Johnson

Shannon moved to accept; Jolyn seconded.  Before a vote could be taken, Holly Hogarty nominated Catherine Johnson for RE.

Shannon amended her motion to include Catherine; Jolyn seconded. 

Motion passed with 2 abstentions on zoom.

Cal was commended on his leadership over the past couple of years. 

Next Year’s Meeting:

Cal stated next year’s meeting will be the 3rd Sunday in May, or May 19th, 2024.

Ramona Stine moved to adjourn the meeting at 11:58, Susan Roberts seconded the motion.  Vote was unanimous in favor of adjournment.

Respectfully submitted by

Janelle Gray and Phil Gilmore, Co-Secretaries